Grants Tenders

Development of sampling devices and analytical methods for nuclear monitoring activities (2022)
The primary objective of our research development project is to develop world-class monitoring techniques (sampling, sample preparation and measurement) to investigate the atmospheric and groundwater transport of radioisotopes that are most likely to be released in connection with the operation of nuclear and isotope-application facilities and that are relevant to the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories.

Nuclear measurement capacity development at Isotoptech Zrt. (2022)
The aim of the project is to purchase new measuring equipment to improve the technological development in the field of radioanalytics, which will allow us to increase the service level of the laboratory. To achieve this, we also plan to improve human resources and organisational structure, and to use renewable energy to increase production stability.

Acquisition and further development of Ortinno Hip&Knee medical devices know-how (2021)
The objective of the project is to establish a development and production capacity that will ensure the possibility of mass production of the Ortinno Hip&Knee device and its further development to meet specific needs.

PREDIS (2020)
Development and implementation of activities for the pre-disposal management of radioactive waste.

Europlanet aims to bring together research institutions and companies active in planetary science from Europe and beyond. Planetary science covers not only our solar system, but also planetary systems around other stars.

Establishment of an International Radiocarbon AMS Competence and Training (INTERACT) Center (2020)
Isotoptech Zrt. participates as a member of the consortium led by the Institute of Nuclear Sciences. The theoretical and technical knowledge possessed by both parties will provide an excellent basis for the establishment of an internationally competitive AMS C-14 competence center…

Procurement of water cutting equipment (2016)
The water cutting equipment is primarily required for the production of vacuum technical elements (flanges, end plates) and special devices for the manufacture of structural elements of large thickness.

Development of high-precision noble gas analytical methods (2016)
Thanks to the grant, a Thermo® HELIX SFT type high-precision noble gas mass spectrometer was installed in our laboratory and one of the most challenging and demanding gas handling and injection system was built.

Procurement of analytical measuring instruments (2011)
Procurement of analytical measuring instruments – GOP-2.1.1-11/A-2011-1004 ISOTOPTECH Zrt. purchased two pieces of equipment within the framework of the tender: 1 piece of TitrIC 7 ion chromatograph and 1 piece of UV-2600 UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

Procurement of measuring instruments (2009)
The objective of the grant is to purchase an AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometer).

Development of sample digestion and preparation systems and measurement methods (2009)
The objective of the grant is to establish a sample preparation laboratory for the operation of the AMS mass spectrometer. The most important equipment for the sample preparation laboratory was purchased and several self-developed devices were built.

Social Monitoring, Information and Community Development Partnership (TEIT)
Since the 1990s, MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. has installed background radiation measuring and display equipment in the municipalities of the TEIT with the aim of allaying the fears of people living near the plant about radiation and building confidence in the safe operation of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd.