Research and development

We strive to solve the problems of our industrial partners requiring high quality technical/scientific background with the most modern technologies available and scientific rigour.

Our regular customersfor complex research and development

… challenges include MOL, Paks Nuclear Power Plant, RHK LLC, Bosch, GE, TEVA, Richter, Mecsekérc, ELI, MVM ERBE, WHB LLC, M&M LLC, almost all Hungarian universities, research institutes, IRSN (French Nuclear Safety Authority), NAGRA (Swiss Radioactive Waste Management Agency), IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), British Museum..

Our company is committed to transferring the high-quality scientific results available in research institutes and universities to industry. .

Our research developments

Nuclear Power Industry

We have built, and in many cases operate, a number of sampling, measuring and testing facilities that meet the stringent requirements of all the key nuclear facilities in Hungary (MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant, the Spent Fuel Storage Facility, the National Radioactive Waste Storage Facility, the Püspökszilágy Radioactive Waste Processing and Storage Facility).

Automotive industry

We carry out special analytical tests for Bosch in Hungary and occasionally for factory from Germany and Spain, related to production technology.

    Energy industry

    We support the origin testing of biofuel production for MOL.

    We have investigated the cause/origin of the gas formation in the Mátra power plant’s lagoon.

    Cultural Heritage Protection

    We are doing significant work in the field of dating archaeological artefacts.


    We have developed several cases of raw material purity testing methods for TEVA’s factories in Hungary and Spain.


    Visit our electronics and mechanical development centre to see our instruments and equipment.

    If you have a question, please contact us!

    Our expert colleagues are at your disposal! 

    Róbert Janovics PhD.

    Regional expert

    Andrea Czébely

    Contact for offers, orders

    + 36 30 388 1707