Radioanalytical tests
With our experience in the field of Nuclear Environmental Analysis, we play a key role in the emission and environmental monitoring activities of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant and the radioactive waste repositories.
Our activities in the field of radioanalytical testing have earned us the trust of several well-known foreign companies/organisations. We are in active contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
With our “B” level radiochemical laboratory and our wide range of instruments we are one of the most advanced laboratories in Hungary, and we participate in the characterisation of difficult-to-measure isotopes of radioactive waste for disposal in waste characterisation activities, and in the development of new technologies for radiochemical separation and measurement in international cooperation.
Our research and development activities contribute to the development of Hungary’s Nuclear Strategy.
- Determination of alpha, beta and gamma radionuclides in environmental samples, radioactive waste, drinking water, food, building materials
- Analytical tests for the determination of the indicative dose in water (radon, tritium, total alpha, total beta, gamma spectrometry, according to the requirements of the Government Decree 201/2001 (X. 25.))
- Separation and determination of difficult to measure radioactive isotopes (DTMs) (36Cl, 14C, 3H, 99Tc, 234U, 235U, 237Np, 238U, 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Am, 242Cm, 244Cm, 55Fe, 59Ni, 93mNb, 63Ni, 79Se, 90Sr, 93Zr, 94Nb, 125Sb, 129I….) from radioactive waste; waste characterisation
- Pb-210 analysis for lead dating research
- Personal dosimetric studies (whole body gamma spectrometry, urine H-3, C-14 analysis)
- NORM testing of industrial products containing enriched natural radioactive substances
- Expert services
Have a look at our instruments and equipment in the gallery below!
The processing and preparation for measurement of samples with expected significant radioactivity is carried out in our modern, well-equipped LevelB radiochemistry laboratory, established in 2018.We are fully equipped to work with low and intermediate level radioactive waste and are also well equipped to process institutional and other industrial radioactive contaminated samples.
After separation of the isotopes of interest to our clients to the appropriate purity, we aim to provide the most comprehensive service possible with our modern instrumentation of Canberra, Perkin Elmer and Oxford with alpha, beta, gamma spectrometry of samples.
A wide range of liquid scintillation equipment, mainly for the measurement of beta emitting isotopes, is available in our laboratory. For low detection limits, we have the best instruments currently available on the market (Perkin Elmer Quantulus 1220 and the Perkin Elmer Quantulus GCT 6220). For the determination of the combined absolute activity of several isotopes, the state-of-the-art instrument based on TDCR technology, the HIDEX 300SL, is also available in our laboratory.
Low background total alpha and total beta measurements for the determination of the indicative dose in drinking water can be performed with our Canberra LB4200.
In the field of gamma radiation, we have 2 Canberra gamma spectrometers equipped with HPGe detectors with low background lead shielding, and will be adding Canberra ALPHA ANALYST 7200-12 alpha spectrometer for alpha spectrometric analysis of environmental samples and radioactive waste.
If you have a question, please contact us!
Our expert colleagues are at your disposal!