Establishment of an International Radiocarbon AMS Competence and Training (INTERACT) Center
Project details:
Project ID number: GINOP-2.3.4-15-2020-00007
Beneficiary: Isotoptech ZRt. (consortium member)
Institute of Nuclear Research (consortium leader)
Project implementation period start date: 11.02.2020.
Planned date of physical completion of the project: 31.12.2022.
Amount of funding to Isotoptech Zrt: HUF 524 228 083
Amount of own contribution provided by Isotoptech Zrt.: HUF 421 994 347
Project name: Establishment of an International Radiocarbon AMS Competence and Training (INTERACT) Center
Isotoptech Zrt. participates as a member of the consortium led by the Institute of Nuclear Sciences. The theoretical and technical knowledge possessed by both parties provides an excellent basis for the establishment of an internationally competitive AMS C-14 competence centre, capable of developing and marketing new types of efficient sample preparation equipment for radiocarbon measurement, as well as providing high level training in measurement techniques.
Building on Atomki’s scientific background and specialist staff, together with Isotoptech’s instrument development and manufacturing experience, we aim to create a knowledge transfer centre that can rapidly adapt to the rapidly expanding global AMS C-14 analytical needs, and that can serve both current research directions and market needs.
Isotoptech Zrt. will develop the equipment to market readiness. Atomki will publish the scientific research results of the project and use the resulting prototypes for its research activities.