
Isotoptech Zrt. performs scientific research, technical development and analytical services.

Our aim is to meet the full range of our partners’ needs at a high level, based on our specific knowledge and experience in almost all branches of the natural sciences, and to continuously improve the quality of our products and services by introducing specific and innovative methods, both those found in the literature and those unique to us.

Therefore, we considered it important to implement and operate a Quality and Environmental Management System, the MSZ EN ISO 9001 and the MSZ EN ISO 14001.

We continuously improve our systems in the light of changing economic and environmental interests to improve the quality of our products and the services we provide, and to increase user safety.

ISO 9001 and 14001 certification

TOP 50 Infrastructure of Excellence certificate

The Isotoptech Zrt. Water Analysis Laboratory is a testing laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Authority according to MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 under NAH-1-1755/2018.

Accreditation certificate